Our Visiting Policy
- We understand the importance that visitors have in the lives of the people who live at Honeywood House Nursing Home. We intend to enable safe visiting and follow government and local guidance to achieve this.
- Protecting the people who live and work at Honeywood House Nursing Home is critical. We will refuse entry to Honeywood House Nursing Home, to anyone who has COVID-19 or its symptoms or who has been in contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
- The decision to open to visitors at Honeywood House Nursing Home is made in agreement with the Senior Management at Honeywood House Nursing Home, the Public Health England Health Protection Team and the Clinical Commissioning Group. This decision is based on a risk assessment, the transmission of the virus within the community and within the home.
- In the event of any suspected or actual outbreak of COVID-19, or a suspected or known case of COVID-19 within Honeywood House Nursing Home, visitor restrictions may need to be immediately implemented, which suspend some of these ways of re-opening Honeywood House Nursing Home safely. It may include the exclusion of any non–essential visitors. This will be implemented in a transparent manner with open and clear communication to Service Users and relevant family members. We will not take this decision without carefully considering the impact on Service Users, their families and friends.
- Honeywood House Nursing Home will review frequently how it enables visits in person to Honeywood House Nursing Home as COVID-19 risks change within the local community.
- We will support visitors with lateral flow tests that will enable face-to-face visiting again.
- We will follow government guidance on what is allowed in relation to Service User visiting.
Responsibilities of Honeywood House Nursing Home
- We are responsible for ensuring that we support our Service Users, to meet with family and friends if they wish, and that staff have the ability to support this. This support includes having written policies and procedures so that all staff understand what they need to do.
- We will identify other ways to connect with friends and family when face-to-face visits are not possible. We will use technology such as video conference or telephone calls to compensate for limited visits.
- We will ensure that we are open and transparent, and we will keep family members informed about their own relative’s COVID-19 status (suspected or confirmed), where their relative has provided consent or a best interest decision has been made.
- Where the Service User has an appointed power of attorney, relevant person’s representative, or another formal role, they will be informed of any changes in health including COVID-19.
- We will provide timely and regular updates to Service Users and their nominated individuals on the impact of COVID-19 in Honeywood House Nursing Home and on visiting.
- If we have an outbreak of COVID-19 in the home, we will inform Service Users and will support them to communicate this to relatives and friends where required.
Service User Rights
- You have a right to have visitors into the home in accordance with the Visiting Policy and Procedure, except where national government rules state otherwise.
- You have a right to have access to timely and regular updated information about the risks of COVID -19 in Honeywood House Nursing Home, including any outbreaks. We will not, however, disclose the names of individuals.
- You have a right to maintain contact with your local community outside Honeywood House Nursing Home, including to participate in religious and cultural gatherings. We will support you to do this via alternate means such as online, or on the phone.
- You have a right to be provided with additional ways to connect, such as video conference or telephone calls, in addition to a limited number of in-person visits.
- You have a right to transfer to other accommodation, or an alternate care home, following discussions with other health professionals, and an assessment of needs.
- You have a right to make a complaint, comment or suggestion using our complaints procedure if you are not satisfied.
Visitor Responsibilities
We request that you follow this Visitor Code and that you:
- Do not visit when you are unwell or displaying any signs of a cold/flu, respiratory or COVID-19 symptoms.
- Do not travel from a higher risk area to visit.
- Respond truthfully to COVID-19 screening questions asked by staff at Honeywood House Nursing Home.
- Agree to temperature checks before coming into Honeywood House Nursing Home where required.
- Agree to visitor testing upon arrival at Honeywood House Nursing Home.
- Treat all staff with respect and courtesy and follow their instructions.
- Contact Honeywood House Nursing Home before visiting, to agree a mutually convenient time.
- Follow social distancing requirements, as well as infection and prevention control measures, such as washing hands, use of visiting windows or visiting in designated areas as directed by staff.
- Avoid travelling to Honeywood House Nursing Home on public transport wherever possible, walk or cycle where you can.
- Deliver gifts and other items to the Service User, as long as they can be wiped or washed before the Service User receives them.
- Wear Personal Protective Equipment in line with the guidance provided by Honeywood House Nursing Home.
- Respect the request that named visitors will be able to enter Honeywood House Nursing Home for regular visits.